Unanswered Question

Echo vs. print statement.

<span style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13.5px; line-height: 21px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

9 Years 2403 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 1930 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2061 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2063 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2112 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2126 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2144 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 1932 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2111 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2079 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2157 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2468 0
php html java Wordpress css
9 Years 2394 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to remove first character from a string using

<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 10pt; white-space: pre-wr

9 Years 2569 0
php html java Wordpress css

How can i change the appearance of an image withou

<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">How can i change the appearance of an image without adding or di

9 Years 1826 0
php html java Wordpress css

How a vector path can be generated ?

I have to konw about the vector path can be generated.

9 Years 1933 0
php html java Wordpress css

How can we connect to a MySQL database from a PHP

<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">I want to connect to a MySQL database from a PHP script?</spa

9 Years 1780 0
php html java Wordpress css

What is the static variable in function useful for

<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Can tell me about static variable in function in php.</span&g

9 Years 1802 0
php html java Wordpress css

How is resolution expressed in the photoshope?

I don’t understand how to change an image’s size or resolution correctly. The problem usually of understanding about image resolution and how it a

9 Years 1692 0
php html java Wordpress css

How does Red Eye tool works in the photoshope?

Here's how it works: Anybody ... I applied the redeye tool for my image, but after applying it, I do not see any major difference… How can I ... Then

9 Years 1752 0
php html java Wordpress css

Type of Lasso tools in Photoshop?

I want to know about the type of Lasso tools in photoshope.<br>

If you can provide a good answer to this question, then comment below. Thanks for y

9 Years 1748 0
php html java Wordpress css

Understanding layer concepts?

Layers are the building blocks of a Photoshop file, making them one of Photoshop's most powerful tools. It's important that i understand how to work w

9 Years 1781 0
php html java Wordpress css

What is the feature of WordPress?

I want to know about the feature of WordPress<br>
If you can provide a good answer to this question, then comment below. <br>Thanks for your help

9 Years 1819 0
php html java Wordpress css

How i can create a static page with WordPress?

I want to create a static page with WordPress.<br>
If you can provide a good answer to this question, then comment below. <br>Thanks for your hel

9 Years 1685 0
php html java Wordpress css

Where can I get a quick temporary e-mail address?

I want to get a quick temporary e-mail address.<br>
If you can provide a good answer to this question, then comment below. <br>Thanks for your he

9 Years 1826 0
php html java Wordpress css

How can I tell if an e-mail has actually been sent

Having a problem sending e-mail? I hope that you will find some useful advice in answers to these common e-mail problems. then comment below.
Thanks for you

9 Years 1680 0
php html java Wordpress css

By default, my e-mail is sorted by Date, but I wou

<span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13.3333px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height

9 Years 1763 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to create a folder if it doesn't already

I want to create a folder if it doesn't already exist in Wordpress.But i don't how to in wordpress.
Please tell me how it imposible to for me.If yo

9 Years 1721 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get the current page name in WordPress?

My wordpress are were installed by godaddy into a folder names 'wordpress'. I'd like the folder to have a different name, which changes the blog

9 Years 1855 0
php html java Wordpress css

How do I get the version of wordpress?

I want to know about the version of WordPress.<br>you can answer, below. <br>Thanks for your help!

9 Years 1694 0
php html java Wordpress css

How do I add Syntax Highlighting on wordpress.com?

I'd like to have a good syntax highlighter for my WordPress blog. What options do I have available? I often see one which has well-colored syntax highlight

9 Years 1677 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get wordpress post featured image URL?

I am using a this function to get the featured images
<a href="#" rel="prettyPhoto">
<?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail

9 Years 2124 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to create plugin for wordpress?

Post your answer with your comment below:

9 Years 1643 0
php html java Wordpress css

What are the New Media Elements in HTML5?

What are the New Media Elements in HTML5?
you can tell me about that's,comment below.

9 Years 1763 0
php html java Wordpress css

What are some new HTML5 markup elements?

What are some new HTML5 markup elements?

9 Years 1748 0
php html java Wordpress css

What elements have disappeared in html?

Disappeared in html what are give me suggest. below:

9 Years 1733 0
php html java Wordpress css

What are different ways to integrate a CSS into a

I have tried copying in the code from that jsfiddle page but I How do I add that css into the html code? ... Okay, well, if there really is no other way to do i

9 Years 1790 0
php html java Wordpress css

What is the difference between class selector and

Hellooo.. :DCould you please tell me the difference between id and class?I think that it is the same..Take a look ! Using ID :

9 Years 1751 0
php html java Wordpress css

What are the possible values of the "Position

The possible values of the "Position" attributes type in html css property.

9 Years 1688 0
php html java Wordpress css

Can I break the line at special characters using C

I have a line for ex: "Break at Special Character;String Break;Example Break". I would like to break the line with respect to ";" using CSS.

9 Years 1679 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to give line-break from css, without using <

I have want to line Break from css, without using break tag<br> . I would like to break the line CSS without using.Is there any possible way to do so. Ple

9 Years 1835 0
php html java Wordpress css

How do I center block-elements with CSS1?

How do I center block-elements with CSS1? In CSS-conformant browsers, the complete width of any element (including tables) defaults to the full width of its.Is

9 Years 1667 0
php html java Wordpress css

What is the default value of "position"

I was just wondering what could be the default "position" attribute of a DIV ? Just the way a DIV has display property as BLOCK, what is the default p

9 Years 1739 0
php html java Wordpress css

Multiple classes on single element html [closed]

I don't mean that two or three classes on one element is bad, but how about four, five or even six?Is there any possible way to do so. Please suggest

9 Years 1657 0
php html java Wordpress css

How many different way i can insert CSS into a web

How many different way i can insert CSS into a web page .Is there any possible way to do so. Please suggest

9 Years 1646 0
php html java Wordpress css

How can I add a space in between two outputs?

I want to write multiple spaces in code say
but I want to do this in code block ``. But in this case spaces are merged into one. I found this question but th

9 Years 1668 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to write multiple spaces in the post?

I want to write multiple spaces in code say
but I want to do this in code block ``. But in this case spaces are merged into one. I found this question but th

9 Years 1738 0
php html java Wordpress css

Where is the correct place to refer to an external

I am taking my first web design class. We are coding in HTML5 and CSS. I have created an index.html document that works correctly when I use and to code the col

9 Years 1708 0
php html java Wordpress css

How do you change a text in upper case in CSS?

Is there a way to make the first character uppercase in the a label in css. the html structure is .Is there any possible way to do so. Please suggest

9 Years 1662 0
php html java Wordpress css

Is there any other way to Hide any controls other

The correct way to do this is to use <code>show</code> and <code>hide</code>: in css.<br>

9 Years 1619 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to create form using shortcode in wordpress?

<p style="margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 15px; clear: both; color: rgb(34, 36, 38); font-family: Arial, 'Helvetica Neue

9 Years 1687 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to display WordPress Permalinks Outside of the

<font color="#333333" face="Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 16.8px; line-height: 28.8px;"

9 Years 1733 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to display message to returning visitors using

<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16.8px; line-height: 28.8px; backgroun

9 Years 1732 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to add menus at footer and left sidebar in wo

Can someone help me to know that how we can add the menu in any location in the wordpress page or post?<br>'<br>

8 Years 1698 0
php html java Wordpress css

Using jQuery how to get multiple checkbox's v

<div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">I have multiple check-boxes.&nbsp;</span>&l

8 Years 1810 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to force to clear cache for a page?

Hi, <br><br>I am continuously getting issue with the caching in the site and not able to test the content as my cached code is showing up there. I a

8 Years 1809 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to create a custom-post-type in wordpress ?

I want to create a custom post type in wordpress using hooks and functions.<br>

8 Years 2324 0
php html java Wordpress css


<div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">I just wanted to reach out and say “thanksâ€

8 Years 1971 0
php html java Wordpress css
8 Years 1658 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to Calculate future date by adding days to a

&nbsp;Calculate future date by adding days to a variable date.

8 Years 1674 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to create a custom-post-type in wordpress ?

<span style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: no

8 Years 1583 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to convert string into date time format in p

Convert&nbsp; string into date time format in php .

8 Years 1638 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to create a custom-post-type in wordpress ?

<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">&nbsp;How to create a custom-post-type in wordpress..</sp

8 Years 1554 0
php html java Wordpress css

What is difference between array and associative a

Difference between array and associative array.

8 Years 1600 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get longitude and latitude of an address us

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">How to get longitude and latitude of an address using javscript or php code?</span>

8 Years 1513 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get the category name for a custom post typ

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">How to get the category name for a custom post type?&nbsp;</span>

8 Years 1576 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get custom category name from ID WordPress

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">How to get custom category name from ID WordPress...&nbsp;</span>

8 Years 1667 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to Convert Array to JSON and JSON to Array in

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">how to Convert Array to JSON and JSON to Array in PHP ?</span>

8 Years 1611 0
php html java Wordpress css

What is the difference between public,protected an

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">What is the difference between public,protected and private in a class definition......</s

8 Years 1560 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to redirect to another page using jQuery?

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">How to redirect to another page using jQuery?&nbsp;</span>

8 Years 1675 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to create a side-navigation menu using Javascr

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">How to create a side-navigation menu using Javascript .......&nbsp;</span>

8 Years 1640 0
php html java Wordpress css

Please help me to automatic scroll using multiscr

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">Please help me to automatic scroll using multiscroll in javascript............&nbsp;<

8 Years 1459 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to make a progress bar in javascript ?

<span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial;">How to make a progress bar in javascript ......</span>

8 Years 1523 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to run Round Robin on a database table based o

I have 5 phone numbers and I send Text messages programatically. I want to use Round robin with these numbers so It select number every time in circular manner.

8 Years 1820 0
php html java Wordpress css
8 Years 1532 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get position of element relative to its par

I want to get the position( x-y coordinates) of an element relative to its parent in javascript. I am trying offset() but doesn't seems right.<div>&l

8 Years 1678 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to decode json in java?

I am working with web-services, and getting response in json string. I want to use it as object or array, lease let me know how to decode json in java.

8 Years 1634 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to parse nested shortcodes in wordpress?

<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Hi,&nbsp;</span></font><div style="font-famil

8 Years 1512 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to calculate date difference between two date

I want to calculate difference between two dates using php<div><br></div>

8 Years 1504 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get previous and next day date in php

Please help how to get date of previous and next day

8 Years 1447 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to run PHP code asynchronously without waiting

<div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">I want to upload a bunch of files at the same time. a

8 Years 1506 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to get post id of static front page?

<div><font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">I'm trying to use the front page as a default of

7 Years 1666 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to round float value in javascript.

I want to round value 20.40 in javascript please help

7 Years 1549 0
php html java Wordpress css

While adding max_input_vars in .htaccess causing 5

I want to add max_input_vars into&nbsp;.htaccess file. How to add this&nbsp; code?

7 Years 3397 0
php html java Wordpress css

How to make redirection from php to non-php pages

I want to make the link so that:<div>http://www.example.com/about-us.php should be auto redirect to&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13.3333px;&qu

6 Years 2962 0
php html java Wordpress css